biography ♥` annabel's 13, single. She LOVEEEE♥ her brothers & sisters. expected presents on 21st FEB! ♥add me: I'm a cookie which is born out of a dough, and was being sent into an oven. My mother made me a chocolate cookie so that people would like me. I'm delicious, people liked me alot. But my destiny is very cruel. I found out that i'm born to be eaten. I'm helpless and afraid. But when i knew that I will bring people's happiness, I'm not that scared already. So i decided to sacrifice myself to make people happy. Cause I know I'm the best. If you need me, I'll be there:D H ♥ B ♥ FB Bold italic underline |
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ain't feeling good.
Saturday, March 19, 2011 ![]() Hello, people. Have th urged to post today. I don't know why. I'm just missing this boy now._. I haven't touched a single homework, i'm so going to die> 18032011, had dance exam and combine practise ytd. Exam was fine, but i screwed up two><>
19032011, went out to downtown with RANDY LIM WEI JIE, TEO HUI XIN, JONAS LIM JUN YUN. (i just feel like typing out their full name><) Had lots of fun, especially with TEO HUI XIN! hahahha,! Ate at compass kopitiam*HEALTHY!* kekekek, then bus down to down town. Sat on a 4D snow ride. FUN,FUN! Luckily they didn't choose ghost ones._. Jonas, thks for th treats today! \m/ then walk walk around., went to bowling and they said tht we need to wait. Wait awhile then went to arcade walk walk? When we came down, they said we missed th call, like wth?! Lazy to wait so went to take neoprints. Was SUPERB FUN! hahhahhahahha. Th design and takes for th first one was awesome. But randy screwed it up by selecting th wrong way of printing. then ended up only one photo came out. RANDY LIM W EI JIE! UGH! Decided to took th second one. had weird weird background. Funny! hahahhaha. deisgned this and print out th right way(: i still prefered th first take. hah! then ate at PASTAMANIA\m/ shared bake rice and cheese sticks with TEO HUI XIN. Niceeee~ We call ourselves: CHEEESEEEE, because we all loveee cheese, kekekke. played scissors,paper,stone with hui xin as we can't finish th food. She lost four times, & she had to eat. HAHAHHAHAH! Bused home with a freaking full stomach>< SARANGHAEYO.! (more pictures on facebook.!) *hopes tht nicole, jonas & carolyn (plus people who are sick) are getting better.! Take good care, people are falling sick easily><> Tags replied:
`Disclaimers Free Counter Spams will be deleted. Vulgarites are strictly not allowed. Hate me, & I'll hate you. kindly press Alt+4. Please respect this blog, If you don't respect others, don't expect others to respect you. `Top priorities ♥ ALL RIGHT RESERVERS FOR; Aisha l ♥BastardInsaneRoosterQueen! Randy l ♥DaZhuZhu! JiaXuan l ♥LaoGong! Celin l ♥WhiteChicken! Carolyn l ♥Baby! Jonas l ♥Mr.Fairy! Andrea l ♥SweetHeart! HuiXin l ♥Cheesyy! Lim Shi Hui l ♥cookie monster bi! Nicole l ♥Bunana! Fathiah l ♥Valentines! JPF(s)! MassMomo(s)! `Runaways♥ ♥JPF Family;muah. ♥six-i-rian. ♥Addison;dearest gor gor<33. ♥Aidil. ♥Aisha. ♥Amanina. ♥Amelia. ♥Andrea. ♥annabella. ♥bei fen. ♥Bernice. ♥Beverly. ♥Carolyn. ♥Charissa. ♥Celin. ♥Chermin. ♥Crystal. ♥Daniel. ♥Delvin. ♥Emily, senior! ♥Enxian ♥Erica. ♥Felicia. ♥Geneve. ♥Hafiqa,Senior.! ♥Hui Fang. ♥Hui Wen. ♥Jasmine. ♥Jeeping,Senior! ♥Jerene,Senior! ♥jocelyn. ♥Jolene. ♥Jing Ting. ♥kelly. ♥Kerina. ♥Kimberly. ♥Lee Ching. ♥Liz. ♥LuiYun. ♥LYnette ♥Miao Ning. ♥Miao Wen. ♥Min yi. ♥Ming Hui. ♥Monicaa. ♥Rachel. ♥Rachael ♥Raihannaa ♥RouHui, senior.! ♥Sharley. ♥ShiHui. ♥Shi Pei. ♥ShiQi. ♥Si Han. ♥Sze Inn. ♥Vanessa. ♥Val. ♥Wan jun. ♥Wendyy. ♥Wei Xuan. ♥XiaoJie. ♥YeeFong. ♥YiLing. ♥Yin Xin. ♥Yuki. ♥YuJie. ♥YuXiang. ♥Zheng Kai. ♥Zhong Kang. `hum along! Bygones TOMATO! ENCHANTED ChineseNewYear Shine you screw up me, totally. First Day 01.01.2011 Goodbye, 2010♥ Dreams~ TaiWan, miss you;( Take a bow Designer: Eunice Inspiration: Plastic!Romance Color: Color picker tool Icon: Reviviscent |