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♥` annabel's
13, single.
NCPS l Greendale Sec(:
She LOVEEEE♥ her brothers & sisters.
expected presents on 21st FEB!
♥add me: thh-yiqin@hotmail.com
I'm a cookie which is born out of a dough, and was being sent into an oven. My mother made me a chocolate cookie so that people would like me. I'm delicious, people liked me alot. But my destiny is very cruel. I found out that i'm born to be eaten. I'm helpless and afraid. But when i knew that I will bring people's happiness, I'm not that scared already. So i decided to sacrifice myself to make people happy. Cause I know I'm the best. If you need me, I'll be there:D

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TaiWan, miss you;(
Monday, December 20, 2010

Hello, people. Ohmy, i haven't posted like for 3 weeks?!
Seriously, SORRY! Didn't have th mood to. Ok, i don't know why too.
Well, it's christmas EVE! HOhohoho! hmm, how i wish i can celebrate CHIRSTMAS, but my family don't): Envy those who can.! Gonna spent my days at home till school reopens, so damn BORED, D:
People are so fuuny, when it comes to school, they wished tht holidays come faster. But when holidays come, they wish tht th school starts much faster. Yea, i know(i'm one of them--')
Don't you think i will be cool if you can start school whenever you wan and have holidays whenever you like? (it's impossible..)
But it will, when i'm th president(: (laughs, how could it be true?)
But when th time comes, i won't let my people do it><>
It's been long since i posted. I told you i will share my experience with you before i went taiwan, isn't it? Eesh, speaking of TAIWAN, i really miss it):
Quite rush though, but it was a really great experience. FUN!
Day 1:
took plane early in th morning, i didn't sleep on th PLANE! hohoho, first time:D (ok, lame)
th lunch on th plane was nice! Watch step-up 3D, feels great watching it again. Reached, bus down to hotel, th hotel was quite nice, but small><>
Day 2:
Early in th morning went to a mountain, Tired. But it's worth it, th scenery is soooo NICE:D after that went to th HUA ZHAN, it's a competition of flowers from all over th world. Thr's so much of beautiful FLOWERS! ^^ ate some japanese lunch box, raw. taste nice but i have no idea wad it is:0 Then at night, went to Shilin night market. Ate thr: oyster egg, xiao long bao! :D
it taste AWESOME:D

Day 3 & 4:
Early morning, took th train to HUALIEN. We went thr for 2 days. check in at th mortel, and it just SUCKS-- went to TORKO GORGE for th first day, mountains everywhr. Ohmy, th scenery is way way marvellous, you will never ever see it in SINGAPORE.. it's cold but tht day was seriously well spent\m/ SOMETIMES, i wish i could just stay thr.
Day 4, quite boring though. Went around hualien, visited those min zhu ren places. They're just so streesless, unlike singapore. I really ENVY them><>

Day 5:
Carrying heavy backpacks from hualien, took th train back to taipei, actually i prefer sitting on th train to th plane><>
Then went to this place whr they are famous for rocks. See th above picture? It's th rock of th queen, they are famous for this. At first i thought how big was it, ended up.? It's only a little bigger than a human. Have th feeling of being cheated._. But without it, it's not a tourist attraction anymore, i've heard tht it took them a lot of money to preserve it...

Day 5:
Went to took cable car to a high high place. I forgotten whr is it:0 People thr live in a kumpung style. Bored up thr, but tried their chou tofu and taiwan sausage. th chou tofu smells gross, but it taste okok, th taiwan sausage was: ^0^ .
went to climb mountain again-- (we did a lot of climbing of mountain during this trip, and i seriously hate it) Well, th scenery was different from TOROKO GORGE one's, and i prefer toroko gorge's. It's different, something new.
After tht, went to TaiPei 101,. Gawd, i love tht place?! It seriously just, \m/\m/\m/!! Th lift was like so damn superb fast. And how i wish i can keep going up and down:D it merely took less than 30 secs to go up to 97 floor? Th view up thr was \m/\m/\m/! i've got no words to describe it(: SO damn BEAUTIFUL! you see th whole of taiwan:D & thr was a device which they introduce part of taiwan at different spots. We were even tht lucky to be able to go up to 98 floor outdoor! Saw sunset thr, sweet~ (and their sun sets so early tht when it's seven it feels like its nine at nightD:)
Late evening, decided to go to hot spring:D shared room with mummy. Th water is so refreshing. Had a horrible dinner which all th dishes smells and taste of porks. (gross~!) All i ate was rice with soup(:
Day 6:
went to climb mountain again-- (we did a lot of climbing of mountain during this trip, and i seriously hate it) Well, th scenery was different from TOROKO GORGE one's, and i prefer toroko gorge's. It's different, something new. Their hotspring was open, outdoor. UNIQUE though. They are famous for frogs, and i jump across me and freak me out-- Gross, i HATE it...!:/Had bamboo rice, it taste nice(Y)
Then took MRT down to th memoral hall, it so BIG?! nothing to do much thr, just photographing. Daddy's so fascinated by those soldiers marching for th lowering of flags. And me and gor was like wth--? Wad's so nice? only soldiers marching and changing of formation, and thr are only like seven?
Finally, th best part of all, SHOPPING! ,at shilin night market.! kind of disappointing, shopping at th last day.. But bought quite a lot of things, but i don't think it's enough._. Bought, sunglasses, shoe, mirror, elmo, wallet, eye cover and mirror for friends. I forgot others tht i have bought:/
(lazy to go and find) Well, tht's th end of my sixth day in taipei.

Day 7:
Check out of hotel, went to some place to walk walk then headed to th airport. Spent all th left over money at stuff for friends. Then took th plane. Had some sort of pasta with cheese, TASTY! \m/ Watch DESPICABLE ME on th plane, so CUTE! Agnes(Y)~! Then took taxi & home sweet home:D &you know wad? I miss my bed th most(laughs!)
Wad gain: Even your family isn't always wad you like them to be at times, but when you really know your heart, they are th one you love most and they are th one who really care for you(:
Seriously, i love them more than any other else/things\m/

Th week after,
went shopping at orchard with nicole and celin, FUNFUN! Bought high heels, and i considered for like 30mins? I kind of regretted? Seems so high to me now:/

Went to Vivo with aisha, shi hui, aidil, andrea & amaninah.
Quite fun, Movie: tron. Lazy to upload th movie picture:P Th animations in th show rocks ttm!
Then slack slack awhile, went back home.

&now, i rotting in Christmas EVE, SUPERB bored! How i wish people could entertain me--
Ok, tht's a really long post><
People, TAG MORE! Annyeong & Saranhaeyo! :D

Tags replied:
  • shid[A]wesome Beeeetchhhz, relink me yah? see you tomorrow!
    `annabel's@ hey, bastard! :D relinked!

  • Shihui.L ANNABEL! I'm sick, D: if i don't get better, i can't go on tuesday. Pray i'll get well, so that i could see you soon! Tagged, bestie (x
    `annabel's@ hah, it's over:D So touched tht you wan to see meXD take cares!

  • AndreaHo (: ! Tagged (: !
    `annabel's@ Thank you (: !
  • jiaxuan♥ helloh!! tgged(: ♥
  • `annabel's@ hello! THANKYOU! :D

  • EYHY. Now thn I realise your blogsong is RiverFlowsInYou, ahahaa. It's my fav (:
    `annabel's@ Hahaha, THANKYOU! :D

  • i'm;[A]:D:[L] TELL ME ABOUT IT!! TAGGS :D ;D
  • `annabel's@ You must stay HAPPY, alrights? :D

  • Geneve Hey , Annabel ! I invited you to my already. HEHE. (: Anyway , thanks for linking me. :D
  • `annabel's@ Nope, thanks! :D
  • stnrhfq. JUNIOR! :D After come back from Taiwan, text me k
    `annabel's@ textED! Stay happy!

  • Shihui.L Hahah, :x. Eh you going overseas soon le right ! O: Seeyou about a week + later, elmo-shii. ;D
  • `annabel's@ hah, seenXD

I wish you can make me smile, always.


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    ♥Yin Xin.
    ♥Zheng Kai.
    ♥Zhong Kang.

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    i'm coming!♥ Intensive trainings): i loveeee KIDS! ♥ I feel like tasting clouds,.! 08112010♥ vivo w/ shihui & celin! `1E1, '2010 be yourself(: happy22102010! 21102010♥ performance~

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