biography ♥` annabel's 13, single. She LOVEEEE♥ her brothers & sisters. expected presents on 21st FEB! ♥add me: I'm a cookie which is born out of a dough, and was being sent into an oven. My mother made me a chocolate cookie so that people would like me. I'm delicious, people liked me alot. But my destiny is very cruel. I found out that i'm born to be eaten. I'm helpless and afraid. But when i knew that I will bring people's happiness, I'm not that scared already. So i decided to sacrifice myself to make people happy. Cause I know I'm the best. If you need me, I'll be there:D H ♥ B ♥ FB Bold italic underline |
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`1E1, '2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010 ![]() Sorry for not updating, i'm not lazy, ok? I'm just conserving energy for this post. (laughs) Everybody wants their own world which at least they can control right? how I/WE hope tht these things happen: money tht grows on tree, house tht cleans itself, brain tht can do everything perfectly tht we desire, weather tht is perfect, peace everywhere and eating junk food tht will make people lose weight \m/ hah, i'm so?! ROAR, i know they are impossible(: or maybe, centuries down th road? ok, just hope. I feel tht i'm rotting, seriously. help! i'm superb bored at home... D: and more than half of my holiday is occupied by dance:/ ytd went to school in th morning for 1e1 class outing discussion, (L) it! awh, miss 1e1): then no time ler, took rocket to PP bought waffle for lunch and back sch with shi hui. cheese waffle! (Y) four hours of dance, it kills! but fun though(: finally learn th syf steps, hope will be selected*pray hard* Now, calf, back and other muscles are telling me to rest. well, no choice. Tomorrow still have dance. Kinda looking forward to it^^ me and cookie monster agreed to not PON any lesson. (try,uh. Haha!) th steps and song for syf is really fast and hard to count.. nvm, FIGHTING everyone! never updated for long; jus wanted to tell you, got 2/40 in 1e1 for ranking in results. happy, happy! And, 4/160 for level position. \m/ last day of school was really sad, tore down every bits and pieces of class deco. we did. Suddenly in a few minutes, th whole class turn empty and bare. but seeing all our hard works we done this year was paid off, it really feels good. after school, my bag was bloated with stuff?! went to Koufu to eat with aisha and clique._. me and SH was really happy with you' all. LOVEee! Dearest 1e1: Hello, 1e1(s). i think tht only some of you will read this, but nvm. i just want to pour out everything i want to say to all of you. we have been classmates for about one year? we shared happiness and sadness tgt. in my heart, all of you are fake geeks;D hmph, with our co-orperation, we dragon boat and won many many prizes tgt. although some, we failed. But we're all satisfied in th end because we did our very best, agree? teacher says tht we have two-face\m/ Presicesly, right? Always killing our brain cells in maths lesson, sleeping during science lesson, doing 'something' at 'someone' during english lesson, not paying attention during history lesson, proving our creativity during art lesson, silence during lit. class, being insane right ofter recess and a lot scolding from teacher. thts wad we're famous for teachers(: i'm sure thr are more. and th cutest part of e1, having someone tht know tht teachers are coming and quickly go back to their own places and hush hush. So, teacher will think tht we're so good, uh? And of all, seeing co. and co.form, frindes pinned up, upfolding of skirts, boys sweeping their hair to th sides to prevent it from touching th eye brows, pulling up of socks?! see, we're just so.. two faced! or wadever, i forgotten th name for it. we have clevers, pretties, handsome, unique, short, tall, quiet and noisy in our class. But with all this, it makes 1e1, an un-seperated class. i gonna miss you all so much. From a class of ppl which comes from different pri. sch, races, we all avoided talking to each other from th beginning. Now, we shouted each other's names across th class. Although we are still unhappy of someone you might not like in th class, always rmb to forgive and forget. All of us will sure do something wrong, no ones' perfect! We still have a long way to go, we're all just 13, wad for, make so much 'enemies' ? I'm really happy to have all of you in th same class. Plus th irritating Farhan with his quacky, so annoying! :D We might not go to th same class next year. But when we see each other must say something or at least smilee~ ? ohmy, i wrote so long:0 well, 1e1. i gonna miss you all freaking much. We spent so much days tgt, so hope tht all of you shall nvr forget th up and downs we all went through. all 1e1, all th best and FIGHTING! See you guys on 14novD': ![]() hello, superb friend! are you shock seeing this? haha. you've been my closest friend ever since i came into greendale. We went everywhr tgt. sharing will and woes together. we've been through thick and thins together. We always quarrel over stuff but in th end we think tht it is stupid and we forgive and forget eventually. thanks for being thr whenver i needed you. You're my best chatting partner, i should say. In fact, we talk abt everything! hmph, without you, i dunno how am i surviving in e1. we gossip here and thr abt some things tht are really really lame: william tang? imaginary stuff? and a lot a lot. i think tht you flood my inbox th most:P We both did well for our exams and we achieved wad we wanted. although we might not be in th same class next year, you will always be my cookie monster(: all th best, and meet very very often! x100 lovee! Celin; white chicken, hello, even though we are not in th same class this year. i still can feel tht our friendship is still as strong as before. no matter wad happens, you will be thr(: i enjoy going out with you. we must still be forever friends, ok? having chinese class with you was fun^^ hope next year still same class in chinese. lovee ya♥ AISHA and clique; Hey, all of you! you all are sentence to be my good friends! thanks for accepting me and shi hui these few months? we were really happy with you all. no worries now unhappy, only laughte and smile(: tyvvm! i hope tht we will always be part of you, if you dun mind? sorry and thank you:D (L)(L)(L) Randy; forever`DaZhuZhu; hmph, hey! thanks for chatting with me always. you nvr failed to cheer me up. you were always thr to lend me a listening ear. thanks for your morning calls(message) in th morning, haha! must stay happy always, ok? you bluff me, i didn't see you on halloween night! and if we are not in th same class still must talk to me de wors(: really happy to talk to you always. All th best:D JPF and sixI's; Hey, six-i-rian. it's been one year since we parted from each other. Really miss your guys a lot lot. we've all grown up. next yr, sec 2 alr^^ i miss playing captain ball, basketball, true or dares and slacking behind canteen. all of you turn so pretty and handsome , uh! hope to meet you all soon ok? loveee! Ohmy, i wrote so long:0 anw, thks for reading it guys, much lovees. some photos taken this year will be uploaded to fb as well. do support and tag shi hui's new blog: Well, if you really want something, remind yourself not to be so impatient, relax and wait for th chance of grabbing it. Even if you failed, don't be sad because you ever tred to achieve it. Remember: No matter how many times you push th elevator button, it will not run any faster not until th right floor comes,. tags are replied; shid[A]wesome HEN<3 Update if you love me! HAHAHA ♥`annabel's@ update ler, touched? HAH! randy tag tag=) ♥`annabel's@ thks da zhu zhu(: Huiwennnnn Huiwennnnn Relink me !!! ♥`annabel's@ relinked:D i'm; [A]:D;[L] amanda i come to ur blog i cried ,, very sad sia.. T_T i'm; [A]:D;[L] HEY N BTW MY BLOG IS link n well TAGG :] ♥`annabel's@ thks, linked^^ why cry? Annabel, ok? not AMANDA(: Celiin cute pics! ♥`annabel's@ nah, you cuter, haha! teoluiyunluvz. link x; teoluiyunluvz. Annabel! Luiyun here, tagged! Link me, kay. Luvzyoualot! Mua. ♥`annabel's@ ok, thks. lovee you too(: linked. shid[A]wesome Croka-doodle-dooo! Henn! Tagg tagg for you. happy? hahahh. woaini, awesome meat! ♥`annabel's@ of cos happy. Got rooster tag for me, eh! haha, woyeaini^^ Shihui ﺕ ANNABELLLL ~ Jonghyun is my one. D: ♥`annabel's@ rofl! i dun care:P Raihannaa Heyy annabel , rmmbr me ? Tagged and link mehh ? ♥`annabel's@ hey, thanks(: of cos i rmb you! linked. ♥I know tht we're |
`Disclaimers Free Counter Spams will be deleted. Vulgarites are strictly not allowed. Hate me, & I'll hate you. kindly press Alt+4. Please respect this blog, If you don't respect others, don't expect others to respect you. `Top priorities ♥ ALL RIGHT RESERVERS FOR; Aisha l ♥BastardInsaneRoosterQueen! Randy l ♥DaZhuZhu! JiaXuan l ♥LaoGong! Celin l ♥WhiteChicken! Carolyn l ♥Baby! Jonas l ♥Mr.Fairy! Andrea l ♥SweetHeart! HuiXin l ♥Cheesyy! Lim Shi Hui l ♥cookie monster bi! Nicole l ♥Bunana! Fathiah l ♥Valentines! JPF(s)! MassMomo(s)! `Runaways♥ ♥JPF Family;muah. ♥six-i-rian. ♥Addison;dearest gor gor<33. ♥Aidil. ♥Aisha. ♥Amanina. ♥Amelia. ♥Andrea. ♥annabella. ♥bei fen. ♥Bernice. ♥Beverly. ♥Carolyn. ♥Charissa. ♥Celin. ♥Chermin. ♥Crystal. ♥Daniel. ♥Delvin. ♥Emily, senior! ♥Enxian ♥Erica. ♥Felicia. ♥Geneve. ♥Hafiqa,Senior.! ♥Hui Fang. ♥Hui Wen. ♥Jasmine. ♥Jeeping,Senior! ♥Jerene,Senior! ♥jocelyn. ♥Jolene. ♥Jing Ting. ♥kelly. ♥Kerina. ♥Kimberly. ♥Lee Ching. ♥Liz. ♥LuiYun. ♥LYnette ♥Miao Ning. ♥Miao Wen. ♥Min yi. ♥Ming Hui. ♥Monicaa. ♥Rachel. ♥Rachael ♥Raihannaa ♥RouHui, senior.! ♥Sharley. ♥ShiHui. ♥Shi Pei. ♥ShiQi. ♥Si Han. ♥Sze Inn. ♥Vanessa. ♥Val. ♥Wan jun. ♥Wendyy. ♥Wei Xuan. ♥XiaoJie. ♥YeeFong. ♥YiLing. ♥Yin Xin. ♥Yuki. ♥YuJie. ♥YuXiang. ♥Zheng Kai. ♥Zhong Kang. `hum along! Bygones be yourself(: happy22102010! 21102010♥ performance~ yawns.. set fire in my heart~ tempted to blog... your beauty radiates just like th sunit's holiday!... flunk.... i hope you're happy.. Take a bow Designer: Eunice Inspiration: Plastic!Romance Color: Color picker tool Icon: Reviviscent |