biography ♥` annabel's 13, single. She LOVEEEE♥ her brothers & sisters. expected presents on 21st FEB! ♥add me: I'm a cookie which is born out of a dough, and was being sent into an oven. My mother made me a chocolate cookie so that people would like me. I'm delicious, people liked me alot. But my destiny is very cruel. I found out that i'm born to be eaten. I'm helpless and afraid. But when i knew that I will bring people's happiness, I'm not that scared already. So i decided to sacrifice myself to make people happy. Cause I know I'm the best. If you need me, I'll be there:D H ♥ B ♥ FB Bold italic underline |
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Saturday, July 2, 2011 ![]() Yellow! PEOPLE! I'm finally backkkk after 99999999999 DAYS? :D HEHE, SORRY! Was so lazy luh> Eh, School stared._. STUDIES back.! I chall try harder for first in level eh? *hopes* New term, new start,. FIGHTING, ANNABEL.! :D You too, people. ![]() Hmm, && GENTING WITH FAMILY.! First day shopping.! \m/ second day was superb boring because gor gor didn't go:/ SHI HUI was suppose to be thr but she didn't went. HAIS> AS for for th rest of my holiday: DANCE DANCE DANCE.! > Then went out for movie with clique.! Actualy wanted to watch MONTE CARLO. but it's ending was too late so didn't watch it. ): I WANNNA WATCHHHHH! :/ Pasta mania with them then went walking around with tht LIM SHI HUI.! was superr funny && CRAZYYYY! hahhaha, kept laughing only! :D She's swesome, don't steal ok? ^^ To th girl, Heyyy, SIAODONGDONG.! Saw wad you posted. Was superb toucheeed! Hehehe, it's been damn long since we really have fun together. Ytd was super funnnn! (Y)(Y)(Y) We must do it often ok? Thks for hearing out my story, was more relieve i think? xD hehhe, it's long! But must shhhhhh, ok? && YOU! Must cheer up, alrights? DON'T CRY.! ): FORGET IT! It's doesn't worth you being so sad over it. Anything, I'll be thr ok? Text me anytime<3 &&, we muct fly to other country soon, alright? kekekek~ :D W/ tons of loveee, me. Then went for dance at night. My mood was totally screwed up by some people.! --! ughhhh. I had to change so much things & to th back as well. Wad is this, ASS.! -.- FREAK onlyyy... To, SPECIAL SOMEONE: Thks for always being thr.! (: Ok, i shall end here? I'll be back, soon. I can't promise:P DO TAG! ♥, THANK YOU. I wan to stay in those lies, but i know i can't.
Saturday, May 14, 2011 ![]() I've cried, no one was there. I needed a cuddle from you, how i wish you were right there. My heart isn't smiling,. I miss you,.. ain't feeling good.
Saturday, March 19, 2011 ![]() Hello, people. Have th urged to post today. I don't know why. I'm just missing this boy now._. I haven't touched a single homework, i'm so going to die> 18032011, had dance exam and combine practise ytd. Exam was fine, but i screwed up two><>
19032011, went out to downtown with RANDY LIM WEI JIE, TEO HUI XIN, JONAS LIM JUN YUN. (i just feel like typing out their full name><) Had lots of fun, especially with TEO HUI XIN! hahahha,! Ate at compass kopitiam*HEALTHY!* kekekek, then bus down to down town. Sat on a 4D snow ride. FUN,FUN! Luckily they didn't choose ghost ones._. Jonas, thks for th treats today! \m/ then walk walk around., went to bowling and they said tht we need to wait. Wait awhile then went to arcade walk walk? When we came down, they said we missed th call, like wth?! Lazy to wait so went to take neoprints. Was SUPERB FUN! hahhahhahahha. Th design and takes for th first one was awesome. But randy screwed it up by selecting th wrong way of printing. then ended up only one photo came out. RANDY LIM W EI JIE! UGH! Decided to took th second one. had weird weird background. Funny! hahahhaha. deisgned this and print out th right way(: i still prefered th first take. hah! then ate at PASTAMANIA\m/ shared bake rice and cheese sticks with TEO HUI XIN. Niceeee~ We call ourselves: CHEEESEEEE, because we all loveee cheese, kekekke. played scissors,paper,stone with hui xin as we can't finish th food. She lost four times, & she had to eat. HAHAHHAHAH! Bused home with a freaking full stomach>< SARANGHAEYO.! (more pictures on facebook.!) *hopes tht nicole, jonas & carolyn (plus people who are sick) are getting better.! Take good care, people are falling sick easily><> Tags replied:
Saturday, March 5, 2011 ![]() I'm so starting to love th word: TOMATO! :D Hello, people. I'm back. like finally, huh? Hahhahaha, so sorry! I'm just freaking lazy to update, uh.! Anw, i'm just conserving enough energy to post for this yeah? :D ok, enough of excuses. Well, i know my birthday present has gone long way. but i Just want to thank people who made my birthday \m/ ! thks for th party and suprises at school, yah? It was really awesome! I didn't even know your had a party for me after school.! Ok, i know i'm dumb(: Really thank you! was really touch especially for th cake and cards! You people put in so much effort.! :D & thks for appearing at my house without telling me and making it into a mess>As for th camp, it was ok for me.. Th things which sucks: disgusting toliets, brown water, having to walk 15 mins before i can go to th toliet, raning all day, flooded tents, bething only for FIVE minutes & NO LIGHTS! omg! If i were to stay thr longer, i might go CRAZY! But th activities was better(: Pioneering and advance pioneering was so-so. Quite boring till i fell asleep while listening. Wearing poncho in th rain was th first time,. hot and humid. But quite fun & weird? hahha. Mountain biking was not good. All because of dance i can't go cycling-.- ended up cycling in circles for four hours. Try it, it kills.! Luckily, th coach brought me to spice garden^^ & played some games too. Teehee:D Navigation was th BEST! Team spirit in my group was \m/ manage to find 20 checkpoints,. we wanted to win for just a CAN OF COKE. ended up, th coach forgotten to buy--' Kayaking was quite find though. First time! Had to stand in th middle of th sea, scary._. 2e1 bonding session was AWESOME! Reveal angel & mortal game,. Hopes tht jiaxuan won't be angry. heh, have been lying to her all th time! :P Hopes 2e1 gets more united and stay together as one:D Holiday isn't nice. Dance and lesson almost everyday! How boring. Me want hoiday! Eeaashhhhh! ok, i know i shall shut up:D Ending post here! Annyeong & Tag! <3 Tags replied: Celin Updatezxc! `annabel's:Updated! :D Shihui Horvejkul Tagged! xD
ROUHUI HELLO ANNABEL~ i poke poke poke poke !! ^^
Lee Taemin <3> jiaxuan(: tagged laopuo(:
Celin Yos!Birthday coming!
Carolyn'Lly:D Hello I tagtag youzxc! Loveya D
i'm;Jonassssssssss HiHi, I'm here; & nicee blog =)
randy yo xiao zhu!! more!
Lee Taemin You finally updated, have to wait for the next Eclipse for the next post i guess? jkjk. anw, WHY ARE YOU LONGING FOR MY HUG SIA? =.= `annabel's: Yeap, you have waited for it(: because I LOVE YOU(: ♥ I'm speechless now. ENCHANTED
Friday, February 11, 2011 ![]() Hello, people. 2nd post of th day(: Had jogathon today. Lrt-ed thr w/ aisha and shihui. Waited for so long. Th grass wasn't nice to sit on><> hmph, common test is coming. *worries!* So many subjects to study on._. Hopes that everyone past it with flying colours! Oh yah, Aisha came back this week\M/ She gave me th hug, like finally-.-? I'm coughing like a mad woman now. sore thorat kills, wad worse i still screamed today.. hopes it gets better(: & my birthday is arriving! 21st feb, remember it, alrights? :D hahha. Somehow really hope that there will be a suprise party or party for me by my group of friends? I don't know why i wan it._. but i know it's impossible(: I'm not such a great friend till they want to make one for me:/ Gawd, i'm so thick skin to even say it. JUST HOPES,. Some day, i feel like travelling or even migrating to a country & study there. How will it feel like? Sounds pretty fun. You will get to know a lot of new things and discover a lot of new stuff. How great\m/ OneDay, i hope tht i can try it^^v Tags replied & annyeong! [tag more!]
`Disclaimers Free Counter Spams will be deleted. Vulgarites are strictly not allowed. Hate me, & I'll hate you. kindly press Alt+4. Please respect this blog, If you don't respect others, don't expect others to respect you. `Top priorities ♥ ALL RIGHT RESERVERS FOR; Aisha l ♥BastardInsaneRoosterQueen! Randy l ♥DaZhuZhu! JiaXuan l ♥LaoGong! Celin l ♥WhiteChicken! Carolyn l ♥Baby! Jonas l ♥Mr.Fairy! Andrea l ♥SweetHeart! HuiXin l ♥Cheesyy! Lim Shi Hui l ♥cookie monster bi! Nicole l ♥Bunana! Fathiah l ♥Valentines! JPF(s)! MassMomo(s)! `Runaways♥ ♥JPF Family;muah. ♥six-i-rian. ♥Addison;dearest gor gor<33. ♥Aidil. ♥Aisha. ♥Amanina. ♥Amelia. ♥Andrea. ♥annabella. ♥bei fen. ♥Bernice. ♥Beverly. ♥Carolyn. ♥Charissa. ♥Celin. ♥Chermin. ♥Crystal. ♥Daniel. ♥Delvin. ♥Emily, senior! ♥Enxian ♥Erica. ♥Felicia. ♥Geneve. ♥Hafiqa,Senior.! ♥Hui Fang. ♥Hui Wen. ♥Jasmine. ♥Jeeping,Senior! ♥Jerene,Senior! ♥jocelyn. ♥Jolene. ♥Jing Ting. ♥kelly. ♥Kerina. ♥Kimberly. ♥Lee Ching. ♥Liz. ♥LuiYun. ♥LYnette ♥Miao Ning. ♥Miao Wen. ♥Min yi. ♥Ming Hui. ♥Monicaa. ♥Rachel. ♥Rachael ♥Raihannaa ♥RouHui, senior.! ♥Sharley. ♥ShiHui. ♥Shi Pei. ♥ShiQi. ♥Si Han. ♥Sze Inn. ♥Vanessa. ♥Val. ♥Wan jun. ♥Wendyy. ♥Wei Xuan. ♥XiaoJie. ♥YeeFong. ♥YiLing. ♥Yin Xin. ♥Yuki. ♥YuJie. ♥YuXiang. ♥Zheng Kai. ♥Zhong Kang. `hum along! Bygones SPECIAL I wan to stay in those lies, but i know i can't. ain't feeling good. TOMATO! ENCHANTED ChineseNewYear Shine you screw up me, totally. First Day 01.01.2011 Take a bow Designer: Eunice Inspiration: Plastic!Romance Color: Color picker tool Icon: Reviviscent |