biography ♥` annabel's 13, single. She LOVEEEE♥ her brothers & sisters. expected presents on 21st FEB! ♥add me: I'm a cookie which is born out of a dough, and was being sent into an oven. My mother made me a chocolate cookie so that people would like me. I'm delicious, people liked me alot. But my destiny is very cruel. I found out that i'm born to be eaten. I'm helpless and afraid. But when i knew that I will bring people's happiness, I'm not that scared already. So i decided to sacrifice myself to make people happy. Cause I know I'm the best. If you need me, I'll be there:D H ♥ B ♥ FB Bold italic underline |
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Monday, December 14, 2009 ♥Your absence has gone through me, like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color♥♥♥ SpecialThanks; ![]() been th very best friend of mine ever since you became th newest member of shi family(: you have been thr no matter sunshine or shade. i really dunno wad to do without you. you never failed to cheer me up. you will be always by my side to share my happiness, boredness, sadness and more. th extravaganza we had left my face with laughter and tears. If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.....stay happy and talk to me no matter you are down or happy alrights? >thank you.(JPF; E3)-last long with chen yi(: ![]() being my superb grand`nu'er, you are also a very good friend you can lend me a ear. i really dunno wad to do without you,. your hyper-active personality brighten up my day always. th one fooling around and jumping around was always you. you gave me a hand when i fall. you were there to shared my happiness, boredness and sadness.. chatting with you gave me a great pleasure. th extravaganza we had left my face with tears and laughter. being th both scriptwriter and character in my life, you never failed to be there for me..... stay chio and happy. >thank you(JPF, E3, chou chou family) -last long with jernon(: ![]() being th most great friend of mine, you are th one which i can chat with most. your beautiful, innocent smile lead my heart to glow brighter, making my day cheery. holding on together, we shared our dance movements together. i shall nvr forget our partnering dance moves. th most elegant and beautiful partner we are together. your 'evil' laugh cheer my day up. it is a pleasure to have you as a friend. you always know th song in my heart and sing it to me when ever my memory fails. our memorises are like words carved on stone and nvr fade away. stay happy and good luck for your ballet...... >thank you. (JPF). ![]() being th cheerful friend of my life, you are th one which i can play with always. opening my phone, selecting phonebook, scrolling down to your name, i smiled. your cheerios personality brighten up my day. each passing moment with you, i felt something special. we shall be going separate ways in sec but not going aparting for our future. th innocent smile from you, brighten up my day. your handwriting became a piece of art in my story. you are my soul-mate which brings out th best of me. you understand me most, funk up my life and gave me hope....stay happy and all th best for you..> thank you. (JPF, chou chou family) ![]() being th tiongxim friend in my life, you nvr failed to accompany me to and fro for school. although we disagree at times, but it is just like a puzzel. it will always be lossen and fix at times. leaving your foot steps on my heart, brought an incredible feelings into my heart. slowly, you became one of th scriptwriter in my story. little by little things you done for me, funk up my life. you never failed to care for me no matter rain or shine, thunder or lightning. you may be not perfect but you shall be always perfect for me. stay happy and jiayouhs in everything you do.>thank you. (JPF) - last long with zhong kang. To sihan;`awesome fren(^-`sushi<3') being an awesome fren in my life, you have a very great acting skill which nvr fail to cheer me up. you taught me how to fall and how to get up. little by little moment with you, made my laughter became more and more. you spice up my life, and played a very well character in my sotry. you were thr to support me no matter rain or shine.... stay happy and all th best for your future..... >thank you .(JPF) DOUBLE THANKS ; To Erica`automatice. auntie'-; thks for always cheering up my day with your straight foward atitude. you are always th one which is good to bully.. haha. your wonderful smile brighten up my day always. playing th very automatic character in my story, you left my face with taers and laughter. you brought joy to my life. every moment with you shall be ected in my mind like words cared on stone. you left footsteps on my heart and shall not be erased. stay cheerful and pretty. thank you and take cares. To shipei`slapping partner'-; thks for always supportting me in wadever i do. metioning you, made my hand itchy. slap slap:Dyour innocent look make me to care for you more. every word by you lead my mouth to smile. you nvr failed to cheerios me up... bring one of th scriptwriter in my life, we hold on together always..... (to bully erica:) thank you. stay pretty/happy and take cares. you were great:D To jasmine`rocker'-; thks for being th rocker friend of mine. you brighten up me day with you intelligent mind. being not perfect in you is th most perfect to me. you nvr failed to cheer me up. chatting with you wad fun. you funk up my life and lending me a hand when i fall. thank you. stay happy and take cares. To jernon; thks for chatting with me when i am bored. you nvr failed to cheer me up? although we dunno each other for very long, but you really are a superb fren of mine. last long with miao ning alrights? thank you, stay happy and takes cares. To kenneth, eugene, osbert; not very close to your. but your jokes brought me laughter and joy. nvr forgetting th outings we had tgt, sentence by sentence of words was enough. little by little things you done brighten up my smile. thank you. all th best in everything and take cares. To chen yi; thks for bringing me joy, tears and laughter on th first term of pri. 5. it is th funniest m,oment we had tgt with celin and some frens. it like words carve on stone, either shall th unhappy moments be words written on sand, being wash away by water. your anti-social personality shall be strike off!!! your very superb great laugh and jokes made me laugh till my stomach pain-.- thank you, stay happy and take cares. last long with jocelyn or i shall be sorry!! To yi ping; thks for being thr whenever i needed someone to comfort me. chatting with you was a great pleasure. you nvr failed to cheer me up. little by little things you done bring me joy and laughter i shall nvr forget. thank you, stay happy and take cares. To kai chong gor; thks for cheering me up whenever i am down. chatting with you was always a pleasure. you lid up my day with you words. little by little things you done for me i shall nvr forget. you brought me laughter and joy. stay shuai and happy. take cares. To wayne; thks for letting me bully you:P you are th one which was thr for me to quarrell with. chatting with you gave me hope and smile. little by little things you done for me, shall be ecthed in my mind always. you brought me both laughter and joy or even tears tht i shall nvr forget. thank you, stay happy and take cares. To chiah soon(dumbo di di); thks for chatting with me no matter i am happy, bored or sad. your crap made me look forward to continue to talk with you. having you as a fren is a pleasure. your encouraging words shall be forever ected in my mind. never forgeting little by little things you done for me. thank you,. all th best in everything and take cares. thanks you; to monica and yi ling; thks for accompanying us at 7-11. talking to you was a pleasure and gave me laughter and joy. stay pretty and take cares. to wendy, vanessa, zheng kai and zhong kang, amelia ;thks for chatting with me no matter wad happens. it simplys brought me joy and laughter. stay hamsome/pretty, all th best in wadever you do. takes cares. to; all those which i did not mention and in my frens list. (and too all six-i's) thakiew for everything. takes cares. |
`Disclaimers Free Counter Spams will be deleted. Vulgarites are strictly not allowed. Hate me, & I'll hate you. kindly press Alt+4. Please respect this blog, If you don't respect others, don't expect others to respect you. `Top priorities ♥ ALL RIGHT RESERVERS FOR; Aisha l ♥BastardInsaneRoosterQueen! Randy l ♥DaZhuZhu! JiaXuan l ♥LaoGong! Celin l ♥WhiteChicken! Carolyn l ♥Baby! Jonas l ♥Mr.Fairy! Andrea l ♥SweetHeart! HuiXin l ♥Cheesyy! Lim Shi Hui l ♥cookie monster bi! Nicole l ♥Bunana! Fathiah l ♥Valentines! JPF(s)! MassMomo(s)! `Runaways♥ ♥JPF Family;muah. ♥six-i-rian. ♥Addison;dearest gor gor<33. ♥Aidil. ♥Aisha. ♥Amanina. ♥Amelia. ♥Andrea. ♥annabella. ♥bei fen. ♥Bernice. ♥Beverly. ♥Carolyn. ♥Charissa. ♥Celin. ♥Chermin. ♥Crystal. ♥Daniel. ♥Delvin. ♥Emily, senior! ♥Enxian ♥Erica. ♥Felicia. ♥Geneve. ♥Hafiqa,Senior.! ♥Hui Fang. ♥Hui Wen. ♥Jasmine. ♥Jeeping,Senior! ♥Jerene,Senior! ♥jocelyn. ♥Jolene. ♥Jing Ting. ♥kelly. ♥Kerina. ♥Kimberly. ♥Lee Ching. ♥Liz. ♥LuiYun. ♥LYnette ♥Miao Ning. ♥Miao Wen. ♥Min yi. ♥Ming Hui. ♥Monicaa. ♥Rachel. ♥Rachael ♥Raihannaa ♥RouHui, senior.! ♥Sharley. ♥ShiHui. ♥Shi Pei. ♥ShiQi. ♥Si Han. ♥Sze Inn. ♥Vanessa. ♥Val. ♥Wan jun. ♥Wendyy. ♥Wei Xuan. ♥XiaoJie. ♥YeeFong. ♥YiLing. ♥Yin Xin. ♥Yuki. ♥YuJie. ♥YuXiang. ♥Zheng Kai. ♥Zhong Kang. `hum along! Bygones lols.... chou chou family:D ytd.... i feel so cold) ': 3 more days left. 4 more days to graduationD: lols. CIP to beach-.- pissed-.-* com lab:D Take a bow Designer: Eunice Inspiration: Plastic!Romance Color: Color picker tool Icon: Reviviscent |