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♥` annabel's
13, single.
NCPS l Greendale Sec(:
She LOVEEEE♥ her brothers & sisters.
expected presents on 21st FEB!
♥add me: thh-yiqin@hotmail.com
I'm a cookie which is born out of a dough, and was being sent into an oven. My mother made me a chocolate cookie so that people would like me. I'm delicious, people liked me alot. But my destiny is very cruel. I found out that i'm born to be eaten. I'm helpless and afraid. But when i knew that I will bring people's happiness, I'm not that scared already. So i decided to sacrifice myself to make people happy. Cause I know I'm the best. If you need me, I'll be there:D

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i rawks
Friday, May 22, 2009

1. Real Name : annabel ho!
2. Nickname(s) : `bell=nah!(ihateit!):D
3. Age :12,duhh.
4. Height : 1.58
5. weight : 48kg
6. Spec or contact lens : one of two
7. Horoscope : pieces
8. Male or Female : Female
9. Tv or Games : either:]
10. Primary school : ncps
11. Secondary School : coming soon...
12. Poly or Jc : none?
13. University ? : N_O!
14. Hair colour : black?(white!) ):
15. Long or short hair : long hair rawks!
16. Loud or Quiet : ask my frens(: LOUD of cuz!
17. Sweats or Jeans : wad is tat! idk, whoa.
18. Phone or camera : either;)
19. Heath Freak : iam and healthy and strong!?
20. Drink or smoke : ""trying"" soon
21. Have a crush on someone ? who woundn't?
22. Eat or drink ? : unless i am not a human.
23. Piercing(s) : yeah. i wan more!
24. Tattoos : say no. it hurts.
25. Social or anti-social : uhh , idk woah
26. First Relationship : someone
27. First bestfriend : ehhh,,(a lot!)
48. Wealthy or happiness : i wan happiness
49. Want to get married ? : yesh. maybe!?
50. Want kids ? : havent decide(when grow up)
51. Careers in mind : dun ask me, i wan to be free.
52. Fight before ? : yes, cuz i'll bite!
53. Most regret of : l0ve?
54. Talented in :huh?! dancing make me feels free. (:
55. Weak in ? : everehthinq
56. Romantic or spontaneous ? : Romantic
57. Lips or eye ? : either...or. (both)
58. Nice stomach or nice arms ? : i am greedy, so i wan both. haha
59. Shorter ? Taller ? : normal, but i bit taller!?
60. Protective or Caring : Both
61. Hook-up or Relationships :idk, uhhs.
62. Troublemaker or hesitant : idk, really<3
63. Lost glasses or contacts : none
64. Ran away frm home : nahh , i was a "good" girl {wanted sometimes)
65. Held a gun/knife for self defense : played with fake derhxx..
66. Killed somebody :yeah, in my heart!?(THEM!)
67. Broken someone's heart : no , broken hearted=me
68. Been arrested : nope(si han did) haha{arrested me}
69. Cried when someone died : Yea. coz i am sad??
70. Missed someone alot alot : 100%. u wun noe thh feeling
71. Yourself : wad u mean?(JOKER?)
72. Miracles : really hope so.*praying*
73. Love at first sight : nooo(after a moment)
74. Heaven or Hell : Heaven luhs , duhh
75. Santa claus : hopes come to me whenever i need him?
76. Cartoon or anime : idk buh(they are cute)
77. Tooth Fairy : my tooth will drop?
78. Kiss in th first date : i am innocent(:
79.Afraid of death : uhhm, tink so.
80. Handsome or cute : i am greedy and i am both in one face.(:
81. Pretty or cute : same^^
82. Reality or dream : dream. reality hurts.
83. Is there a person you want to be w now ? : uhh , yea? i miss him.
84. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now ? : no? i started to hate a lot ppl.
85. Do you believe in fate ? : Yes, does tat means i need to face it? idw!
87. Do you believe in god ? : Yes. thks for them.
88. How often do you lie ? : when i must, while my heart ache wen tats happens.
89. Do you respect elders ? : of course , without them they will be no annabel.
90. Are you a good kid ? : "SOMETIMES" actually=no!
91. Do you like your family ? : sometimes , they sux
92. Do you like your friends ? : yes? sometimes they sux too.
93. Are you greedy ? : yes see some of the question infront?
94. What do you want now ? : Many things, but i wan the-one-only him.
95. What will you wish for ? : everything i wan.
96. A truth to first person ? : idk, uhhms.
97. A truth to second person ? : wad u meant?
98. A truth to third person ? : hey, stop asking this question
99.Do you even trust yourself ? : noo?(sometimes)
do it!
4.lynette jie
5.Si Han
8.zheng kai
(miao ning) thks for thh quiz. loves all the way(:


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    ah@@ HERO fighting day.... wakaka(: COmpo EXams!! rotting at home "HATE" letter si han tags are reply(: it is ending soon and i dun noe why hey, guess who is this?? IT MIE EVIL TWIN!!lols. i...

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